Mexican Wedding Cookies Recipe Magnet Fridge


Mexican Wedding Cookies Recipe Magnet Fridge


This is the recipe for “Mexican Wedding Cookies” that has been used by my family since forever. Every year I have to call my mom and beg her to tell me the ingredients because I am TERRIBLE about keeping track of recipes. So I decided that I would make myself a set of fridge magnets with my favorite holiday recipes on them and they can just hang out on the side of the fridge until I want to use them again.
Since I am here making them for myself I thought I would make them available to you as well. Look for my other recipes too!


This is the recipe for “Mexican Wedding Cookies” that has been used by my family since forever. Every year I have to call my mom and beg her to tell me the ingredients because I am TERRIBLE about keeping track of recipes. So I decided that I would make myself a set of fridge magnets with my favorite holiday recipes on them and they can just hang out on the side of the fridge until I want to use them again.
Since I am here making them for myself I thought I would make them available to you as well. Look for my other recipes too!
Cynthia [zStoreBasic collections =”119915370796123306″]