Burgundy Red Floral Rustic Boho Wedding Favor Box


Burgundy Red Floral Rustic Boho Wedding Favor Box


Watercolor Burgundy Red Floral Rustic Boho Wedding Favor box. Perfect for a fall wedding. The design features a stunning bouquet of burgundy / Marsala , peach , navy flowers / roses with matching leaves. Please find more matching designs and variations in my “blissweddingpaperie” store. And feel free to contact me for any custom requests.


Watercolor Burgundy Red Floral Rustic Boho Wedding Favor box. Perfect for a fall wedding. The design features a stunning bouquet of burgundy / Marsala , peach , navy flowers / roses with matching leaves. Please find more matching designs and variations in my “blissweddingpaperie” store. And feel free to contact me for any custom requests. [zStoreBasic collections =”119704868357749550″]